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International Forum => English Discussion => Тема начата: Александр Молодцов от 16 Декабрь, 2011, 10:17:49

Название: ScummVM for PlayBook
Отправлено: Александр Молодцов от 16 Декабрь, 2011, 10:17:49
ScummVM for PlayBook
(русская версия) (http://forum.kpda.ru/index.php/topic,718.0.html)

We're proud to present you ported version of ScummVM for PlayBook.

ScummVM is a reimplementation of the part of the software used to interpret the scripting languages such games used to describe the game world rather than emulating the hardware the games ran on; as such, ScummVM allows the games it supports to be played on platforms other than those for which they were originally released.

ScummVM supports many adventure games, including LucasArts SCUMM games (such as Monkey Island 1-3, Day of the Tentacle, Sam & Max, ...), many of Sierra's AGI and SCI games (such as King's Quest 1-6, Space Quest 1-5, ...), Discworld 1 and 2, Simon the Sorcerer 1 and 2, Beneath A Steel Sky, Lure of the Temptress, Broken Sword 1 and 2, Flight of the Amazon Queen, Gobliiins 1-3, The Legend of Kyrandia 1-3, many of Humongous Entertainment's children's SCUMM games (including Freddi Fish and Putt Putt games) and many more.

To play games you'll need ScummVM itself installed on the PlayBook and original game files. Upload game files somewhere into the PlayBook, for example in the misc directory and add it in the ScummVM main menu. Please note that game files will be located in the misc directory.

Right mouse emulation is pretty simple: on the left side of the screen there is a side bar where you can switch active mouse button.





You can download it here: scummvm-1_4_1_61.bar (http://www.kpda.ru/download=scummvm-1_4_1_61.bar)

(щёлкните чтобы показать/скрыть)

Название: ScummVM for PlayBook
Отправлено: Александр Молодцов от 20 Декабрь, 2011, 14:16:45
Some screenshots added.

Название: ScummVM for PlayBook
Отправлено: Александр Молодцов от 10 Январь, 2012, 18:40:27
Since where is still no news on application approval, we've decided to upload bar file here. You can find download link in the first post (http://forum.kpda.ru/index.php/topic,720.0.html).

Название: ScummVM for PlayBook
Отправлено: Zandengoff от 25 Январь, 2012, 05:28:31
Got around to registering on your forum. As you have read on the crackberry forums, I would like to help out where I can. I am willing to beta test and give feedback. I really just want to keep this port moving along to the point it is in line with the webos port. Would you be able to share a list of features to be implemented and a possible priority? It would be good to know what you have planned before laying out bugs or needed features to get this port 100% complete.

Also on an unrelated note, can you let me know how long the port took you to make?

Keep up the good work. Playing SCUMM on my playbook right now.

Название: ScummVM for PlayBook
Отправлено: Александр Молодцов от 26 Январь, 2012, 10:00:33
The most important thing now is to implement right mouse button emulation. I'm thinking about something similar to WebOS realization:
Цитата: README.WebOS
Tap + movement: Mouse movement
Tap without movement: Left mouse button click
Tap held for >0.5s without movement: Right mouse button click
Tap held for >1s without movement: Middle mouse button click
Double Tap + movement: Drag and drop
But I'm not really sure if this is handy.
Then I'd like to change some default paths and implement more user-friendly filesystem navigation (browse only shared directory).

It really doesn't take too much time to port. But porting has only just begun. :)

We'll upload new release when it's ready.

Название: ScummVM for PlayBook
Отправлено: Zandengoff от 27 Январь, 2012, 05:27:40
Those mouse gestures are for the non-trackpad control version. I found it much easier to use the touchpad version of right click. It is basically click and hold one finger where you would like to click and the bring down another finger to signify a right click.

That also might be easier to impliment than all of the different timed values.

Also, is there any way to access the scumm menu after staring a game. That might be a good use for the downward swipe gesture.

FYI, This page is currently the 3rd google result for "SCUMM Playbook" :)

Название: ScummVM for PlayBook
Отправлено: Александр Молодцов от 27 Январь, 2012, 10:48:46
Also, is there any way to access the scumm menu after staring a game. That might be a good use for the downward swipe gesture.
It seems that you are using 2.0 OS. :) Actually, menu should appear on downward swipe, but something has changed in PlayBook 2.0 and it stopped working. This is already fixed in new version.

Название: ScummVM for PlayBook
Отправлено: Zandengoff от 31 Январь, 2012, 03:00:46
Went back to 1.8 and sure enough the menu now works. You mentioned that this was fixed for os2 in a new version. Do you have plans for a release soon? What features do you expect to come out with the next build?

Название: ScummVM for PlayBook
Отправлено: Александр Молодцов от 31 Январь, 2012, 14:46:22
New version is available in the first message (http://forum.kpda.ru/index.php/topic,720.0.html#top).

Changes in this version:
  • ScummVM 1.4.1 :)
  • Fixed menu in 2.0 OS
  • Added MP3, Ogg Vorbis, FLAC support
  • Default savegame path changed to shared/misc/.scummvm
  • File navigation is limited to shared directory

Название: ScummVM for PlayBook
Отправлено: Zandengoff от 01 Февраль, 2012, 05:39:32
Found a bug upon install. The program icon is missing. I am on

By the way CD games with FLAC sound amazing. I was almost getting used to the old midi based games there for a while.  ;)

Название: ScummVM for PlayBook
Отправлено: supermew2001 от 07 Февраль, 2012, 00:05:52
Thank you @Alexander Molodtsov for doing a great job, to port ScummVM on our PlayBook.
I have a question ! Which OS do u use ?
Because I've tried to put ScummVM on my but all games I launch, it comes back on the main screen (springboard) ! :'(
Which config do u use for the games ?

Название: ScummVM for PlayBook
Отправлено: Александр Молодцов от 07 Февраль, 2012, 10:31:36
I'm using Very strange, I don't remember any problems with, though I didn't use it a lot.
Have you installed 1.3.1 before? Try removing and reinstalling ScummVM.

Название: ScummVM for PlayBook
Отправлено: supermew2001 от 07 Февраль, 2012, 11:18:42
Yes. I tried to remove/reinstall ScummVM but same result :/
Very weird !

Название: ScummVM for PlayBook
Отправлено: Zandengoff от 09 Февраль, 2012, 20:05:36
Any update on progress? I am particularly interested in how right click is coming along. That change would give the most functionality as there are a good deal of games that depend on it.

Название: ScummVM for PlayBook
Отправлено: Александр Молодцов от 13 Февраль, 2012, 16:00:43
supermew2001, I don't have possibility to test it on right now. This firmware is buggy so we don't use it.
What games do you try to run?

Zandengoff, unfortunately I didn't have time to work on ScummVM yet. :(

Название: ScummVM for PlayBook
Отправлено: supermew2001 от 13 Февраль, 2012, 16:15:51
In fact, I think it was some apps who blocked (or bugged) ScummVM (which apps ? I don't know :( ) because I've downgraded (& wipe!) my PB to just few hours ago and it works..!
Games ?
Indiana Jones & Fate to Atlantis (Talkie Version)
Day of the tentacle

Название: ScummVM for PlayBook
Отправлено: supermew2001 от 21 Февраль, 2012, 16:42:00
Same problems again with (Upgrade) !
[Edit] I just wiped then put a clean version, and it doesn't work. Still Fate to Atlantis & DotC

Название: ScummVM for PlayBook
Отправлено: Александр Молодцов от 22 Февраль, 2012, 11:38:22
supermew2001, can you describe in detail how do upload, add, run games? I've updated to and ScummVM still works.
Also try running this game: http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/scummvm/FOTAQ_Floppy.zip?download

Название: ScummVM for PlayBook
Отправлено: supermew2001 от 22 Февраль, 2012, 11:43:40
I upload my games in /misc/
I add games without changing options.
The thing is ScummVM let me choose between many versions (FMTowns, Floppy, etc..) for Indiana Jones.
(When I was on 4869, it didn't show the popup with the different versions (FMTowns, Floppy...)
Then when I start the game, it comes back on the springboard

Название: ScummVM for PlayBook
Отправлено: wolfpup от 22 Февраль, 2012, 14:58:28
Just a note to say a couple of things.

First of all, thanks so much for the terrific job you did porting ScummVM to the Playbook!    I'm using it with the classic game "The 7th Guest" and it works extremely well -- touchscreen navigation comes naturally to the navigation in this game, and I haven't enjoyed this old game so much since I played it on my old DOS computer many years ago!  Terrific work and well done!   :)

There is a minor issue that I totally don't care about where MIDI audio doesn't work for background music, but regular default audio works, and I prefer to have the background music turned off anyway, so no problem there.

My one big concern is whether I might have problems with OS 2.0 and so far I've avoided upgrading to 2.0 for that reason, since the previous poster reported some issues.  I'll wait to see if there might be some game-specific issues with ScummVM and OS 2.0.   It certainly works very, very well in

Название: ScummVM for PlayBook
Отправлено: wolfpup от 23 Февраль, 2012, 04:32:30
Couldn't wait, so I upgraded to OS 2.0 tonight.   Very happy to confirm that so far, ScummVM and "The 7th Guest" works perfectly as before!   ;)

Название: ScummVM for PlayBook
Отправлено: supermew2001 от 23 Февраль, 2012, 11:40:49
It seems to be working on an upgraded version (1.8 to 2.0) but not on a 2.0 clean version !

Название: ScummVM for PlayBook
Отправлено: wolfpup от 24 Февраль, 2012, 00:30:52
Found a bug upon install. The program icon is missing. I am on

I had the same issue but the icon appeared after I upgraded to OS 2.0.

Название: ScummVM for PlayBook
Отправлено: lukebuckland от 26 Февраль, 2012, 12:33:46
Hi Александр Молодцов!
Firstly, a big thank you to making this available!
My Dad has recently bought a Playbook (Despite being rather unfamiliar with computers and technology) and it is such a treat to hear him come home saying that he has spent a few hours in the Pub on Broken Sword, he is really getting into it!

Unfortunately, we got to a bit where he needed right click so I had to transfer the save file to my computer and do that bit for him and transfer it back.
I think he would love to play "The Dig" so I'm looking forward to right click support if you get round to doing it.

So this is just a message of gratitude and to say that you would make my father and me very happy men if you could get round to doing the right click support! (But I know we all have a life outside of ScummVM devlopment so I'm not demanding it ASAP :p)

Many thanks!

Название: ScummVM for PlayBook
Отправлено: lukebuckland от 10 Март, 2012, 00:55:00
Any update on right click support? Sorry to bug!
My dad just finished the first broken sword and I'm desperate to get him started on the next one.

Any other good only left click games? He doesn't like the ones with push, talk, pull, open down the bottom as he says it takes up too much of the screen :(.

Название: ScummVM for PlayBook
Отправлено: Александр Молодцов от 10 Март, 2012, 13:28:13
Any update on right click support?
I'm working on right mouse emulation and I actually got some results. Realization is pretty simple, yet I somehow managed to complete Full Throttle (control in Demolition Derby is really weird :D)
Stay tuned, new release will be real soon. :)

Название: ScummVM for PlayBook
Отправлено: Александр Молодцов от 13 Март, 2012, 11:31:27
New version is available in the first message (http://forum.kpda.ru/index.php/topic,720.0.html#top).

Changes in this version:
  • Right mouse emulation - added sidebar to change active mouse button
  • Switched to double buffered sound output
  • Escape button added
  • SDL updated

Название: ScummVM for PlayBook
Отправлено: vectrac19 от 14 Март, 2012, 22:03:34
New version is available in the first message (http://forum.kpda.ru/index.php/topic,720.0.html#top).

Changes in this version:
  • Right mouse emulation - added sidebar to change active mouse button
  • Switched to double buffered sound output
  • Escape button added
  • SDL updated

Brilliant build, works great using the bridge remote now... In a hotel on work as we speak play MI3 on the TV. Great work and if you need help in any *basic* way, I'm happy to help!

Название: ScummVM for PlayBook
Отправлено: psx10k от 17 Март, 2012, 05:12:56
Hi, really enjoying scumm on playbook and just wanted to say thanks and good work!

I was finally able to figure out how to register on the forum (for some reason, I didn't realize that I should change the language drop-down to English), so wanted to report some keyboard issues for games like Kings Quest 3 and 4.

I actually submitted the issues to the official Sourceforge, but they said your playbook port isn't an official port yet (any reason why you don't make it official).  To see the issues, please go to:


As well, the right mouse click feature works really good!  One suggestion/idea: would you be able to make it minimizeable?  For example, maybe the current config can be hidden, and if the user swipes from bottom right to center, or by clicking a button in the regular menu (swiping down), will show the config?

Keep up the great work!

Название: ScummVM for PlayBook
Отправлено: danpowered от 19 Март, 2012, 15:51:41

Just got a Playbook and this is the first thing i installed on it.  This is so awesome, thanks a lot for your work, it really gives a good reason to own a PB :D

As some user said precedently, it seems that on many games the background music doesnt play... I couldnt get music to play to Day of the tentacle intro sequence or game, no music in Monkey Island, same in Sam and Max, and many other games seems to have the problem.  Voice and sound work properly but background music seems to be absent.

I wondered if this was my version of the games or if the PB has problem with playing MIDI music?  Could any of you get background music while playing any of these games?

Thanks again!

Название: ScummVM for PlayBook
Отправлено: danpowered от 19 Март, 2012, 16:44:26
Just to add that Indy: Fate of Atlantis has music in the intro sequence, but it uses iMusic from lucasart, it might not be the same...

Название: ScummVM for PlayBook
Отправлено: Александр Молодцов от 20 Март, 2012, 11:24:18
danpowered, try playing with MIDI options. I got background music only if GM Device is set to "Don't use General MIDI music".

I'm not really sure if there is a way to use any other gesture except swipe down, but I'll think of something.

Actually most of work is done in SDL, not in ScummVM itself. And keyboard issues are also SDL's fault. But of course I'll try to fix it. :)

Название: ScummVM for PlayBook
Отправлено: JohnSReid от 26 Март, 2012, 16:41:14
Nice work on the scummvm port!

I just wanted to report a bug at the start of Monkey Insland 1. The game quits after talking to the lookout at the beginning. You can skip this by pressing 'ESC'.

Later, when you follow the shopkeeper out of the village, the game quits at the lookout point.

I've tested it with scummvm on Linux and this works fine. Is there anything I can send along to help out?

Название: ScummVM for PlayBook
Отправлено: Александр Молодцов от 30 Март, 2012, 15:48:42
JohnSReid, sometimes ScummVM randomly crashes, but I still haven't been able to reproduce your problems. Does the game always crash in these places? Can you try playing different version of the game?

Название: ScummVM for PlayBook
Отправлено: Seeker от 01 Апрель, 2012, 21:43:48
I just wanted to thank you for this scummvm Port!
I was looking for some "old-fashioned" point and click adventure games for my new playbook and found this scummvm. Installed it and transferred my "Broken Sword 2" files. Works!!!

Keep up the good work

See(k) you...

Название: ScummVM for PlayBook
Отправлено: John Smith от 04 Апрель, 2012, 22:10:45
I am so happy I finally found ScummVM for the PlayBook. Kudos to anyone that supported this port. Please keep on doing the great work. Has there been any answer on the AppWorld approval? If RIM accepted DosBox, why not ScummVM?

I mean I would be willing to pay for this (although this would most probably not be in line with the ScummVM developers). Is there a donate button somewhere?


Название: ScummVM for PlayBook
Отправлено: zoid от 09 Апрель, 2012, 13:59:50
Like the others who posted above, I just wanted to say THANK YOU for porting ScummVM to Playbook!

Название: ScummVM for PlayBook
Отправлено: John Smith от 09 Апрель, 2012, 14:17:09
After a few days of testing I am more than satisfied, my old data file collection from the Linux system works great out of the box, including things like self compressed German MP3 Speech. How could I ever play adventures without a touchscreen?

The only thing is that ScummVM closes immidiatly whenever I use the Keyboard. One letter pressed and the app is dead. As the recognition of game files is just fine and the save game naming with date and time is enough, that is currently not an issue.

Any news on AppWofld-approval? Rumors go that sideloading capabilities will be gone with the next firmware update and all none AppWorld apps will be deleted.


Название: ScummVM for PlayBook
Отправлено: Seeker от 28 Апрель, 2013, 00:08:31
Hello Alexander,
I love playing the old games on my Playbook, and have recently purchased a BB Z10. Will there be a Version of scummvm for the Z10, too?

Greetings, Seeker.

Название: ScummVM for PlayBook
Отправлено: Александр Молодцов от 30 Апрель, 2013, 10:37:34
Will there be a Version of scummvm for the Z10, too?
Yes, there will be a Z10 version in near future.